Head of Laboratory: Firra Rosariawari, ST.,MT
Laboratory Assistant : Juli Winarti, ST
This is one of the laboratories used to support students’ practicum activities in the Environmental Pollutant Analysis course given in semester III (Three).
General Description of Activities
In general, this laboratory is used as a practicum facility for students that participate in the Environmental Pollutant Analysis course. This practicum is expected that students properly apply physical-chemical analysis methods and analyze laboratory examination data towards the quality of clean water, waste water, air, and garbage. This laboratory is also used to support research conducted by final year students that analyze the quality of clean and waste water.
Practicum Materials:
Practicum Materials of Environmental Pollutant Analysis include:
- PH measurement analysis,
- Electrical conductivity,
- Turbidity, color, taste, and smell,
- Acid and alkalinity analysis,
- Aggressive CO2 analysis,
- Hardness analysis,
- Jar-test,
- Chloride analyzer,
- Iron and manganese analysis,
- Chlorine binding agent,
- Chlorine residue,
- Breakpoint chlorination,
- Fluorine analysis,
- Solids in water analyzer,
- Dissolved oxygen analysis,
- BOD analysis,
- COD analysis,
- Organic substance analysis (PV and TOC),
- Nitrogen analysis,
- Phosphate analysis,
- Sulfate analysis, and
Heavy metal analysis
Head of Laboratory: Firra Rosariawari, ST., MT
Laboratory Assistant: Juli Winarti, ST
It is the final practicums for students in the laboratory for semester V (Five) where they combine all Practicum Materials in the laboratory obtained from semester II to IV. At the Operations Unit Laboratory, practicum activities carried out are applicative and comprises a series of processes in a water treatment plant, that are used to analyze the utilized parameters.
General Description of Activities
The design of a laboratory-scale water treatment building unit, for clean and wastewater treatment, is implemented in this operation unit laboratory. This shows the competence of Environmental Engineering students that able to design waste treatment buildings while carrying out and analyzing the processing results.
Practicum Materials
Practicum Materials for Operation Units include:
- Flocculation- coagulation
- Sedimentation type 1
- Sedimentation type 2
- Adsorbs
- Aeration
- Disinfectant
Head of Laboratory: Firra Rosariawari, ST., MT. Laboratory Assistant: Juli Winarti, ST
It is a practicum activity for sixth-semester students used to introduce them to the software used to analyze research data in order to make conclusions.
General Description of Activities
The laboratory is used for students to analyze their research results using Minitab and SPSS. Furthermore, they are expected to think critically on research data, by making and testing hypotheses in order to make a conclusion or decision.
Practicum Materials
Practicum Materials include normality test, correlation analysis, descriptive analysis, linear regression (simple linear and multiple linear), covariance analysis (Anova One way and Two Way), cluster, Analysis of Means (ANOM) and General Linear Models.
The equipment used for the Environmental Statistics Laboratory is in the form of 20 computers with i5 processors as well as SPSS and Minitab software.