Student Creativity Program (PKM) 2022

The 2022 Student Creativity Program (PKM) is a form of implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education in an effort to foster, accommodate, and realize students’ creative and innovative ideas.

Students of the Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Program (S1) of the East Java “Veteran” National Development University can actively participate in this program by submitting a PKM 2022 proposal according to their PKM field of interest.

The PKM 2022 fields offered are as follows.

  1. PKM for Research (PKM-R)
  2. PKM for Entrepreneurship (PKM-K)
  3. PKM for Community Service (PKM-PM)
  4. PKM for the Application of Science and Technology (PKM-PI)
  5. PKM in the field of creative initiative (PKM-KC)
  6. PKM Constructive Futuristic Ideas (PKM-GFK)
  7. PKM Written Ideas (PKM-GT)
  8. PKM Scientific Articles (PKM-AI)

The criteria for students who submit PKM 2022 proposals are as follows.

  1. Active students of S-1 education programs registered at PD-Dikti.
  2. The proposing group consists of 3 (three) – 5 (five) students, consisting of 1 (one) chairman and 2 (two) – 4 (four) members.
  3. The names of all proposers (chairman and members) are written in full and cannot be abbreviated.
  4. Proposing students can come from various different study programs or from the same study program, but still in the same university.
  5. The amount of PKM funds per title is Rp. 5,000,000.00 (five million rupiah) up to. Rp.10,000,000.00 (ten million rupiah)

The criteria for evaluating the 2022 PKM proposal are as follows.

  1. Compliance with administrative requirements
  2. Suitability of the proposal format and writing with the applicable PKM Guidelines
  3. The suitability of the proposed program with the selected PKM field
  4. The level of creativity of the proposed program

Further explanation can be studied in the 2022 PKM Guidelines.