Closing Party: SENCATIENT 2022

The Closing Party is one of a series of UPN “Veteran” Environmental Engineering Diesnatalists in East Java as well as being the closing event for the Diesnatalis. The closing party this time has the theme “SENCATIENT: Short Experience, With More Incredible Talent In Environmental Engineering Special Event”.

The purpose of holding the Closing Party activity is to establish friendship and increase relations between all elements in UPN “Veteran” East Java Environmental Engineering, active students, lecturers, and alumni. 

The Closing Party activity was held offline which was carried out at the Balai Pemuda Surabaya Building with activities in the form of entertainment from the two previous series, namely the Mangrove Festival and Balik Ngampus Alumni. The entertainment provided is in the form of music performed by several internal and external bands, guest stars, and others. Also shown are videos of hope from all elements, namely lecturers, students, and alumni so that a closer bond between elements is established. The Guest Stars that were brought in for this year’s Closing Party were Silam Pukau, Vide Marsha, and also Dendi Nata. 

The Closing Party activities in the series of the 29th (Twenty-Nine) Year Anniversary of the Environmental Engineering Study Program at the East Java “Veteran” National Development University will be held on Friday, 16 December 2022 at Balai Pemuda Surabaya.